This workshop covered production information for the following tree crops: apples, cherries, peaches, plums, nectarines, prunes, and walnuts.
Speaker Presentations and Resources:
Updates on Two Major Invasive Agricultural Pests: Spotted Wing Drosophila and Spotted Lanternfly-Jhalendra Rijal.
Nutrient Management of Orchard Crops-Katherine Jarvis-Shean.
Irrigation Management in Tree Crops-Michael Cahn.
Download factsheet: Using the Pressure Chamber for Irrigation Management in Walnut, Almond and Prune
Orchard Weed Management Update-Dr. Brad Hanson.
EPA Releases Pesticide and Endangered Species Educational Resources Toolbox
Resource website: Herbicides and The Endangered Species Act: What You Need to Know
Herbicide selection factsheet: Herbicide Registration on California Tree and Vine Crops (Disclaimer: this summary document paints with very broad brush strokes so be sure to read and follow current label instructions for each specific crop and use pattern.)
Rodent Management in Orchard Systems-Roger Baldwin.
Understanding Spider Mite Infestations and How to Manage Them-David Haviland.